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Writing Resources - Sprint Sheets


Dawn Chapman

Date Published

Over the years I've tested and been apart of many communities, and sprinting organisations.

4thewords - is pretty awesome, but I grew tired of it, outpacing the game itself.

Write or Die
Write Practice
MyWrite Club
Oh Write

But mostly what works for me, is just a timer, and discipline - Not everyone has this, I get it, so use and test every tool you can.

Discord groups all over offer sprint rooms for people all around the world to write together.

Sprinto is one of the bots and one I've personally supported for many years and record my daily tallys in a couple of spots.

These excel sheets that track writing, editing and for me (audio proofing) come from a great guy, head on over to Patreon to see the free versions. :)

Dec 2024.webp

This is my whole year of writing, each month I take screenshots for my facebook and pages to show me how much work I've completed.

Recently I discovered Pacemaker for organisation too. My life and jobs were getting into three journals worth of stuff. So when I worked out how to use this, and track and tick off each task. It totally saved my days. Now with every job I do, I feel accomplished :)